A pat on the back..


Growing up with a passion for ripping out the middle pages of Vogue and sticking them on my wall, I developed an admiration for world famous photographers, and after graduating with a photography degree I wrote to Vogue letting them know that I was ready for them to publish my work and had a great portfolio I think they would be very interested in....

As of yet they still have not hired me to shoot for them.. Maybe they lost my email address?


This admiration of the creatives which covered my walls has fuelled and helped me turn photography into, not only my passion but also my career. It's sometimes hard to explain how passionately I feel about imagery and what I do. The only people who realise at the moment are probably my parents and my boyfriend as they see the amount of hours I put in to my craft.

I remember someone once said to me you wont get anywhere in photography unless you really truly love it and are prepared for it to take over your whole life and well.. It has.

I am just starting to reach a point in my career where I feel like I’m just on the cusp of where I want to be. I feel like those editorials/ advertorials/ campaigns and collaborations are just slightly out of reach from the tip of my fingertips but I am nearly there. This only makes me strive to work harder. I can only describe this feeling of being absolutely shattered but so unbelievably happy and proud of myself. It wasn’t until just before Christmas I gave a talk at my old college where I studied A level photography that it made me realise how far I had come and how much my work has developed in the last 11 years.


I am really looking forward to seeing what this year brings. I know everyone gets very reminiscent of there last year at this time but I really have seen my career take a massive leap in the last 6 months and I think it has a lot to do with my confidence growing and finally believing in myself, which is silly really as it should have been there all along.

Basically I just wanted to give myself a bit of a pat on the back and before I look at where I want to go, enjoy where I have come from. I wish I could say to the photographers behind those old posters on my wall, Thank you so much for inspiring me and always reminding me where I want to be.

I really hope if you are reading this that you are also happy in what you are doing and are feeling like you are slowly getting to where you want to be. Please comment below with one thing, two things or even three things that you have done recently which you feel ahead of the game in your career or personal life. I’d love to know what your passion is!

This gorgeous dress is from Free People. I wore it on Christmas day and is one of my favourite items this winter. Shop it below ..(shhh..It is in the sale !!)
