Setting intentions & gratitude


A couple of mornings ago I started a new routine of setting intentions in the morning and practising gratitude in the evening to help stop me feeling so “meh” for lack of a better word.. 

It’s super simple to do. I just start every morning by writing the date and before I get up, having a little think about what it is I want to achieve that day or some loose lifetime goals. Nothing too heavy.. Just things like “ connect with new people” or “ hydrate my body” aka.. Drink more water! Haha. What I didn’t want is for it to turn into a to do list as I have plenty of those! 

For life time goals I have been writing things like “ imagine the feeling when.. Blah blah blah * insert goal here* or make time to *insert one task here* which will lead me to *insert goal here*

In the evenings before I go to sleep I then write a list of gratitude which is everything I am thankful for that day. “It could be as small as I spend some time outside and listened to the birds” or “today a stranger smiled at me and said a big hello which made me smile and brightened my day a little bit” 

I’ve only done it for 6 days now but I am certainly finding those in 6 days I have felt more positive and productive!

If you give it a go I would love to hear your thoughts and if it has helped you!

When I shared this on my instagram a couple of days ago I had a lot of lovely conversations about what other people are doing and what else they have found helpful so I wanted to share a few of my favourites. 

Nicole said that she had listened to a podcast which was about gratitude which said it was good practise to write “why” to help the process. For example, “I’m grateful for the stranger who smiled at me because it made me realise there was still kindness in the world” which I think is such a good idea to extend the practise and recognise why you are grateful for the things you’ve written a little more deeply.

Marina recommended checking out the 5 minute journal which she said her bestie brought her when she was feeling a little bit meh and it has helped her.

Ronja recommended following @amberrae for her super each approach to journaling about feelings. She said she has been collecting notes and pictures of things which were the highlights of her day which has really helped!

Jodie suggested googling for journal prompts and see which ones you gravitate towards. “ one positive change I could make” or “something that's bringing me joy right now”. She said that positive affirmations on things she wants to improve on is her favourite at the moment. I really like this idea because I think it's a nice way to think of more specific things rather than how broad I’ve started off.

Sumaira said when she feels overwhelmed she does a brain dump of ideas and writes lists down on paper which always helps her to feel better. I need to do this asap!

Another Nicole said that she’s found writing about her daily walks and how she’s been feeling in her diary has helped her feel better. I always find myself reaching for a pen 

Talking of gratitude I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for following along with my little Rosie bubble which I share online. One of my favourite things is the conversations I get to have with like minded people from all over the world and I am so happy to have a bunch of such lovely people to share stuff with and chat to. xx